We are exploring the interest in taking a church field trip to a very important, powerful and relevant exhibit making its premier at the Center for Jewish History. This exhibit is a looking at the lives of those affected by the Holocaust in Europe before and during WW2. It is viewed through the uniquely Jewish lens.
I (Kerry) have been to the exhibit and found it so powerful, moving and action provoking. I would suggest it is for adults and youth in 6th or 7th grade and up. There is nothing graphic in the exhibit. It is visual and audio (a large portion of the material presented is through a personal audio tour device.)
More information about the exhibit can be found here:
We are asking that anyone who has interest in this field trip fill out the survey below. Or you can email Kerry at kerry@firstcongregationalbranford.org
Overall plans would be to head to NYC on the train (everyone would need to puchace their own tickets) after Worship on a Sunday, go straight to the exhibit via subway (it's one subway ride to and a 5 minute walk) and there would be an opportunity to enjoy a meal together after at a restaurant for anyone who desires.
This is not a reservation. This is a survey to determine interest and availability. To attend as a group, we do need to purchase at least 21 tickets.
The tickets would be $30 on a weekday, $40 for a Sunday (per person.)